Review: Lean Greens Superfood Powder

'Is it a vibrator?' asked my friend over Whatsapp the day before she was due to visit me. I'd told her I had a NutriBullet.''s a smoothie maker!'I'm not one for kitchen gadgets. They look useful but I never get around to actually using them. From sandwich presses and blenders to pasta makers and even microwaves, I'm just not a kitchen gadget user. At all. But when a NutriBullet landed in my life, I became a convert.My obsession with this pint size blender is probably directly linked to my general level of laziness. Want some breakfast? Shove in fruit, yoghurt, milk, oats and seed mix and blend. Boom, a pint of goodness.

Favourite ingredients

Fruit and Veg

I almost always start with fruit although sometimes I add vegetables too, mainly butternut squash or spinach. I usually use frozen fruit because it's cheap and obviously lasts for ages. While supermarkets sell bags of frozen smoothie mix, you can usually get the basics versions of summer fruits.I also use fresh bananas and seasonal fruits like strawberries when they're for sale everywhere for a £1. Like now!Lean Greens is full of vege extracts, making it an easy way to add some extra oomph to smoothies without chopping lots of different vegetables. I tried it by itself, mix with water, and while it was certainly perfectly drinkable, I prefer adding it into smoothies.


I put natural yoghurt in all my smoothies and only buy the stuff without sugar. I avoid low fat or fat free yoghurt too because...well...if you take the fat out what's left?

Nut butter

I love adding peanut butter to smoothies, especially banana and yoghurt smoothies. I use Meridien peanut butter as it has nothing in it except peanuts. I've recently started experimenting with almond butter and there are so many nut butters to try.


From orange juice to milk, you need to add liquid to get the right smoothie consistency. I mostly just use milk and water although orange juice is great for fruit smoothies as well as spinach and kiwis smoothies.


It's pretty tempting to shove random ingredients into the smoothie maker and see what happens. I like to put a handful of oats in for breakfast smoothies as well as seed mix or chia seeds. It all adds so much nutrients to an ordinary smoothie.A few weeks ago I was sent a tub of Lean Greens to try. It came at a good time, given that I was looking for extra good stuff to mix into my daily smoothie. I've been using the Lean Greens superfood mix and while I've always been skeptical of supplements, there's nothing weird or unnatural in this one.The active ingredients are: Wheatgrass, Barley Grass, Spirulina, Chlorella, Alfalfa, Spinach,, Broccoli, Carrot, Blackcurrant, Blueberry, Digestive Enzyme Blend, Green Tea Extract, Siberian Ginseng and Stevia Leaf.It adds it nice earthy veg flavour which actually works really well with fruit smoothies as well as vegetable smoothies. Given its ingredient list, it's become my go-to addition to all my smoothies because...well...why not? There's so much great stuff in it and it doesn't compromise the taste.Yuuum.

Lean Greens

Lean Greens specialise in food supplements and are a font of knowledge by themselves. They have a great post on Green Juice recipes and it wasn't until I really started thinking about it that I wondered if I was getting at least 5-a-day at all. Which is a scary thought.I've been feeling great for the last few months having simultaneously given up alcohol and starting to drink smoothies every day. I've no doubt that the Lean Greens superfood powder has added to my general health but mostly, I really love how easy it is to add to everything from smoothies to porridge. If you fancy trying some, you can order on Lean Greens or through Lean Greens' website. 


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